
Thursday, May 03, 2007

Next meeting - May 8th TUESDAY

Next Tuesday's meeting of wefcpug - yes Tuesday 8th May - will feature presentations from Martin Baker of Digital Heaven who will be giving us a full report on NAB and Final Cut Studio 2 and, if we're lucky, will also talk about writing plug-ins and demonstrating some of his own. These are world class plug-ins and, as such, respected worldwide as some of the best available anywhere.

Phil will be trying to de-bunk some of the myths surrounding conversion of a picture from 4:3 to 16:9. And just when will we see the end to anamorphism? (Hint, probably never).

There's another chance to stump the gurus who will trample over each other to solve your FCP problems, and we'll share notes over which updates have worked (and which haven't).

Please, please let Richard know if you would like to attend; it's at the BBC Whiteladies Road, Bristol again, will start promptly at 7.00 with entrance via the side gate.

Oh yes, and following on from last month's exciting raffle of a Larry Jordan Training DVD we have yet another fantastic prize up for grabs. For FREE (yes, as in Free Beer).